Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Its so deep sadness when you realized you sabotage yourself, lost what you really want, desire, love. It lead to guilty to self. Why I didn't say it, why I didn't express it, why I didn't stand up it for myself, why I didn't take a change, why I healed them? why I be manipulated, why I didn't trust myself, so many why and broken heart inside heavier. The more I realized what was going on, the more sadness up in my body. 

So, now, 
How I change all it? 
What energy, be, that I require to change it?
Return all the negative energy to the sender, return all the others intention that effects not kind to me and my body and my life, take back what I really want desire and lust it, Stand up for myself; to make my life greater, brighter, lighter, and more abundance, weip?

What I really want?
I want my self back, my truly self without outside energy; without negative energy that people send; without trauma, heaviness, and all stuck emotion; I want all of what I desire come to me with totall ease, joy, glory, and effortless.

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